Never Search Alone

Visit for *all* of our free services to help you find a job you love.

Never Search Alone

I hope all my colleagues impacted by the #MetaLayoffs will not search alone!”

Julie Francis, Senior UX Researcher, Meta

Most job seekers, even experienced executives, search for jobs alone.

And when you search alone you make mistakes.

Take Charge of Your Career and Find a Job You Love

“The Job Search Council was a real game-changer for me.”

Corleen Heidgerken, Director of Product, Glassdoor

Take charge of your career and form what Phyl calls a Job Search Council (JSC) – i.e., a support group of peer job seekers who meet regularly to help each other find jobs they love.

Why is this the answer?

Humans are social creatures.

So, it turns out that putting job seekers together in a support group converts insecurity and anxiety into hope, motivation, accountability, and confidence – the all-important elements of a good job search (note: JSCs also bring other benefits).

Read more testimonials from job seekers who have used JSCs – or look at those above or below.

“Armed with the tools from Phyl’s book and a Job Search Council to support me along the way, I ended up finding a job that fits my strengths, challenges me in the right ways, and removes the things I had hated most about previous jobs. Oh yeah — and it pays much better!”

Lily Inman Wilson, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Angi

“Job Search Councils are like AA for product leaders looking for their next job. As such, JSCs help you do the impossible: find your dream job (or promotion).”

 Seth Roe, SVP, Product, MyFitnessPal

“My Job Search Council made me more able to articulate my unique value and the kind of role I was looking for. As a result, the hardest part ended up deciding between two interesting job offers. With their help, I ended up taking the somewhat riskier job offer because it felt more aligned to my career goals and desire for adventure. I am now six months into that job, and am loving it.”

Kimarie Matthews, EVP Customer Engagement, Bank of Hawaii

Ready to Join? Thousands of JSCs and counting

  • You can set up and create your own JSC (Phyl’s book tells you how).

  • You can sign-up for our free matching service on that will connect you to peer job seekers (and provide free training and support).

We have set up and launched thousands of JSCs since September 2022 and our team is ready to create thousands more for all those laid off, let go, or otherwise looking.

Again, this is a completely free service powered by volunteers who want to help.

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Ask for help to find a better job

Ask for help from customers

Ask for help from Warren Buffet
(Phyl wrote a chapter in this book)

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