Executive Councils

Leaders helping leaders in…

  • Product, UX, Marketing, Tech, Data+
  • VP, GM, CPO, CMO, COO, CEO (and Director)
  • Annual Membership Fee

Learn and grow alongside Apple, Appfolio, Google, Microsoft, Nike, Target and many others

Associate Councils

Early-career leaders helping each other in…

  • Product
  • Individual Contributor and First-Time Managers
  • Annual Membership Fee

Designed to help retain and promote women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+

Job Search Councils

Peer job seekers use the Never Search Alone methodology to help each other find…

  • Good jobs they love
  • Any industry at any level 
  • No Cost

Join a job search council to gain confidence, hope, motivation and accountability 

“If you’re even thinking about a job search, start here.”

Marty Cagan, Silicon Valley Product Group

Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Bookshop * IndieBound

Get Free Tools

Register for our *free* Job Search Council matching service

Peers & Careers

Collaborative Gain combines learning from Peer Leaders with learning from CG Career Coaches, which means that this community helps you every step of the way.

Every question. Every challenge. Every opportunity.

From early promotions, to managing teams/divisions or companies, to job searches, joining Boards, and even to transitioning out of full-time work in your later years.

In other words, this community provides what we call “longitudinal” support and has helped members like Jason Randall (below) who joined as a Director of Product eventually become the President and CEO of a publicly-traded company.

Longitudinal Support

As noted, Jason began his CG membership as a Director of Product and today is President and CEO of publicly-traded SaaS leader, Appfolio. He has used his CG Council every step of the way.

You can do the same.

“Thanks, in part, to the insights and help from my fellow council-members I’ve been able to have a much bigger impact and take on additional roles — including eventually my promotion to CEO.”

Jason Randall, President and CEO, Appfolio


Council Meetings

  • Spring 2024: Philadelphia, PA
    Mon, Apr 15 – Fri, Apr 19
  • Fall 2024: Los Angeles, CA
    Mon, Sep 23 – Wed, Sep 25

Virtual Meetups

  • Virtual Council Calls
  • Roundtables
  • Peer Coaching Calls
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