Never Search Alone Movement

Based on the concepts in Phyl Terry’s new book, Never Search Alone, the NSA movement is helping anyone laid off, let go, or looking, take charge of their job search and find a job they love.

Phyl is pouring all the book sales into running this global community and the volunteer team (including Phyl) have together put in more than 20,000 hours to build this private safety net for anyone laid off or let go.

To learn more go to to listen to Phyl’s episode on Lenny’s Podcast.

World of Business Reading Group

WBRG – inspired by the writings and philosophy of Warren Buffett

If you are a high school or college-aged student (or know one), then you can apply for the free summer program started by Phyl Terry and other Harvard MBAs.

The curriculum for this six-week volunteer-led course, based on a selection of Warren Buffett’s Letters to Shareholders, provides an introduction to business, finance, leadership, and ethics.

Applications for summer 2025 are open now at

Slow Art Day

Founded in 2010, Slow Art Day is a global event (more than 1,500 museums and galleries have participated) with a simple mission: help more people discover for themselves the joy of looking at and loving art.

In an art world too often driven by money or the latest technology (NFTs, for example), Slow Art Day is passionately retro. We advocate an ancient practice – one at least as old as the paleolithic cave paintings in Lascaux, France – and that is this: slow down and look.

Neuroscience has confirmed what ancient artists always knew: we see only a tiny fraction of what is around us. To widen the lens and allow more in, we must slow down.

And it turns out that slowing down not only helps us see more, but, as mentioned above, it brings with it the joy of discovering more. What sounds like a possibly boring act (if watching paint dry is boring, then watching dry paint must be even more so), is quite the opposite. But we cannot convince people of this, they must experience it themselves.

In that insight, lies another. Slow looking is a radically inclusive act.

We do not seek to tell educators how to design their slow looking events, nor have the educators tell their participants how to see (or that they need an expert education first).


Rather, the volunteer team at Slow Art Day advocates the act of slow looking where participants include themselves, as The Washington Post wrote about in its recent article about Slow Art Day. (To read more articles about Slow Art Day in The Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, ARTNews, BBC, view our press page)

Reading Odyssey

Launched in 2004 by Phyl Terry, and his best friend Pat Wictor, Reading Odyssey is a collaboration of scholars at Cambridge, Harvard, and elsewhere with adult readers. Our mission is simple: inspire curiosity and lifelong learning.

We run reading groups on challenging books in philosophy, science, history, and literature including Homer, Herodotus, Plato, Thucydides, Cicero, Caesar, Shakespeare, Darwin, and many others.

Reading Odyssey also ran the 2009 Darwin150 program, co-sponsored by Harvard and others, that involved millions of people around the world celebrating the 150th anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species and, as part of that, hosted a lecture series with leading scientists, and reading groups.

And a year later we launched the Marathon2500 program, chaired by Paul Cartledge, then A.G. Leventis Chair of Greek Culture, Cambridge University, marking 2,500 years since the Battle of Marathon with a lecture series and Herodotus reading groups.

Mitzvah Project

Founded by Roger Grunwald, the son of an Auschwitz survivor, this Holocaust education project, which Phyl advises, seeks to use theater to help high school and college students learn to challenge the stigma of the “other” and insure that “never again means never again for anyone.”

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