Associate Councils


  • Early-Career IC & First-time Managers
  • Product
  • Designed for (but not limited to) Women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+

All members commit to asking for help, being open and vulnerable, and to giving help.

What Companies Get for Sponsoring Members

Retain and support high potential and early-career folks in product.

What members Get

Real-time tactical and strategic help from non-competing peers that help you make better, faster decisions and get the support to realize your short- and long-term career goals.

We provide these benefits by creating a safe place to ask for help and experience the hope, motivation, accountability, and trust that comes from participating in a community of real people who are genuinely interested in helping you perform at your highest level.

We deliver these benefits in multiple ways starting with your Council.

Our Councils: Your Peer Advisory Board

As a member, you will be placed on a council with non-competing peer leaders at other companies.

Today, we run:

  • Product Councils (for IC and first-time managers in Product)

Each council has members from across the U.S. and Europe and from a range of industries, business models, and company size.

For more than 20 years, we have run Councils for product+ leaders in the Internet world and have more experience building genuine community and deep trust than anyone else.

Your Council meets eight times a year via Zoom and each council is led by an experienced moderator who works with you to help you tap into the power of your council.

The 365 Program

In addition to your Council, your CG membership comes with access to the 365 Program, which is a suite of additional services that will help you make better, faster decisions – and we are constantly innovating ever new ways for you to ask for help and tap into the power of this community.

These additional services include:

Peer Coaching Calls™(PCC)

If you need help from experts in a key area, or you want career evolution advice from leaders doing the job you hope to have down the road, or you are battling a personal or family challenge, then we’ll set up a PCC with relevant experts. We invented this high impact model and have run thousands of these sessions.


If you need a question answered now, and it is not highly confidential, then you can post an RFH (request-for-help) that goes out to our community of active members and alumni. Within hours, you’ll receive thoughtful help. See examples the kinds of questions can you ask as a member here.

1:1 connections

If you need help right away with more confidential questions, then our team will work behind-the-scenes to find expert peers who can privately help you 1:1.

Career Coaching

Every member gets a Career Coach trained in the Collaborative Gain Longitudinal Career Development Program.™

Your coach helps you develop a multi-year career plan, and then helps you leverage the power and resources of this community of peers to achieve that plan.

We have helped thousands of members get promoted.

You’ll have access to your career coach (and this broader community) at any time if something comes up, i.e, a promotion, an external offer, etc. otherwise, you’ll have regular scheduled meetings throughout your membership.

We love helping smart people like you never walk alone in your careers and, as a result, go beyond even your biggest dreams.

Outplacement Services

Your CG membership also comes with outplacement services that kick-in if you lose or leave your job.

Most outplacement services are based on 50+ year old methodology.

Not ours.

Our program, which we outline in Never Search Alone, was designed from the bottom up by-and-for product and general managers in the 21st century economy.

What does membership cost?

$3,000 a year


$500 – a one-time onboarding fee for new members – in their first year only (note: returning members do not pay this)

Want to learn more?

We understand the power of a great customer experience—and we work to create such an experience for our members. Read more about our values why we do this by downloading our brochure! If you’re interested in joining & want to connect w/ one of our team members, start by applying here.

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