May 11, 2023
Hey everyone,
[This is the intermittent NSA (Never Search Alone) newsletter for all who support this volunteer-driven community (whether happily employed or looking). If you do *not* want to receive these going forward then unsubscribe]
Let’s celebrate – we have now launched *300* free Job Search Councils. Woo! Big thanks to our whole volunteer team led by the wonderful Emily Teter.
Next goal: 500 JSCs launched.
Meanwhile, tech layoffs continue – Shopify just laid off 20% – and some of those folks have found their way to our community and will be featured on our next LinkedIn Live this Fri, May 12 at 12pm ET.
Guests this Friday also include Harvard Business School grads, UX leaders, and yes, even high school administrators (a CG member asked me recently if we can help rabbis looking for a new job – yes!).
Here’s my ask: Can you help us spread the word about this supportive free community for job seekers?
If yes, then like, comment, and share my post.
Just comment with “CFBR” (that means “comment for better reach”).
P.S. I gave a keynote this week to Women in Product (30,000 person group founded by product leaders at Facebook, Google, etc.). It was wonderful and Never Search Alone was the talk of the conference.
Also, if you are a member of an industry association like Women in Product, then please suggest me as a speaker. I want to do more of these – great way to reach our goal of launching 500 Job Search Councils.