Aug 11, 2022
Hey everyone,
A friend of mine from business school, and CG alum, Lisa Friedman, just passed away.
Now in the wake of her death, I see even more clearly how — although we were not consistently close — we helped and touched each other over the years.
We had several conversations at difficult life moments — about divorce, being a single mother, her evolving career, and how to accept and love ourselves.
She also showed up for me and this community.
When I published Customers Included, she invited me to speak at Intuit (and introduced me to several people who have become longtime CG members).
When I had my San Francisco book launch party, she attended and brought some folks.
When I hosted an evening of theater created by my close friend — and about a difficult topic, The Holocaust and ‘never again’ — she came (the photo below was taken that evening — she is second from the left).
When I wrote a particularly personal newsletter, she wrote back.
When a member needed help, she was always happy to talk and open her network.
Lisa — you live on in the echoes of your deeds and actions, of how you were a friend, a mother, a daughter.
You live on in the hearts of your friends and family.
You live on in this community.
And you live on in my heart.
With love and tears,
P.S. Your opportunity for support from this community does not end at professional questions. *Whatever* you need to keep growing in your career, even if it’s personal or home-related, reach out and we can connect you to peer professionals facing similar challenges. Never walk alone.

Evening of theater in San Francisco – Lisa Friedman is second from left.