Oct 24, 2022
Hey Everyone,
Here’s the latest news from the community with a heart and home for anyone laid off or let go (or otherwise looking).
First, please forward this newsletter to anyone you know who is looking.
Second, I want you to know that this is a joyous community.
I know. I know. Joy is not a word normally associated with the job search.
But by bringing job seekers together, and by helping them share their challenges, this community turns anxiety into joy.
That’s right we are a joy factory.
To that point, I’ve hosted a number of joyous conversations recently with job seekers.
For example, in a recent meeting I spoke with a very qualified product leader who also happens to have a strong accent that she can feel insecure about (English is not her first language).
She had an important interview the next day and we all gave her some help to walk in with confidence.
We suggested she complete the Gratitude House exercise in Chapter 5 of Never Search Alone, which is a great pre-interview confidence builder.
Several of us also suggested she tell her interviewer that English is her second language and ask them to slow her down if they are having any trouble understanding.
I love that advice.
Just call it and transform it.
That not only helped her feel more confident, but it also projected confidence (and bonus: if they responded badly, then big red flag – i.e., they are NOT for her).
The next day after she had done well in her interview, she wrote all of us this:
I was much more confident entering the interview, and I was much more placid after the interview. And it is thanks to your huge support yesterday and the Gratitude House exercise I did last night. I’m so grateful that I have so many people rooting for me and believing in me.
How did we ever search alone before?
Action: Join a Job Search Council now (it’s *free* with free training too) or, if you want to learn more and ask questions, you can join the next JSC orientation coming up Nov 3 at 7pm ET (via Zoom).
And join us this Fri, Oct 28 at 4pm ET for another powerful LinkedIn Live Open House, this one will focus on the key concept of Candidate-Market Fit (more on this below).
And, most importantly, whatever you do – remember, never search alone.
P.S. I gave a talk last week to students at Baruch College in NY. If you want to help set me up with a college in your area, then get in touch – I waive my speaking fees for colleges.
P.P.S. There are more highlights below, including a great session at our last Open House with Tamara Adlin!

Appendix – More Highlights, Links, and Resources
The Open Houses on LinkedIn Live have also been joyous.
You should definitely sign-up for the next one: this Fri, Oct 28 at 4pm ET. We will focus on the challenges of Candidate-Market Fit (CMF) and hear from several job seekers including one who is in the middle of figuring out their CMF right now. He will share the conversations he’s had in his Listening Tour and the recent exchange with a venture capital firm, which made him a believer in the power of Candidate-Market Fit.
Finally, here’s a key highlight from our last open house on Oct 14 with the wonderful Tamara Adlin (pictured above).
“Just Show Up”: Participate in a Job Search Council (JSC)
Tamara Adlin, a job seeker who is a volunteer JSC moderator, joined us on Oct 14 to share her experience moderating one of the 20+ councils that have been set up since the book was released.
Her JSC is going really well and she shared the following learnings with all of us:
- Everyone struggles
Tamara says you will be shocked to discover you are not alone – that everyone on your JSC, no matter how impressive, has the same anxieties and insecurities.
- Be vulnerable
Trust that you will get to know each other well over time. “And use that trust to be willing to be vulnerable in the first meetings — I guarantee you everyone else feels this way and it’s amazing to have that community. It will just make you feel better when you express your fears and insecurities and everyone in the room says “me too!!!””
- Just show up at the first meeting
Don’t fear the first meeting. “Yes, you won’t know what to expect, but it’s really just a bunch of people introducing themselves. You don’t even have to have read any of Phyl’s book. Just show up.”
- Exercises/tools work
Tamara says the exercises in the book (which the JSCs do together) are easy and really illuminating.
- Why did we ever search alone?
“With each meeting you’ll be more and more astounded that we all tried to do this alone for so many years,” said Tamara.
Never Search Alone and ADHD
Caitlin O’Brient Bauer also joined us on Oct 14 to talk about the special needs of the ADHD job seeker and how she has found Never Search Alone to be particularly helpful.
As the founder of SF ADHD Coach, O’Brient Bauer specializes in working with women in tech, entrepreneurs, new moms, and creatives and has agreed to explore starting a special bi-monthly call for ADHD readers of Never Search Alone.
Diagnosed with ADHD at 8, O’Brient Bauer discovered that it took finding genuine interest in her first love, the theatre, to start engaging her strengths and growing beyond the limitations of her condition. Caitlin went on to earn a BFA in Musical Theatre from the University of Miami (Go Canes!) and work in professional theatre. She also has over a decade of entrepreneurial expertise running her own digital marketing & web design agency.
Action: if you have ADHD and want to potentially join a session focused on ADHD and Never Search Alone with Caitlin O’Brient Bauer, please reply to this email and let me know.
Free Tools and Templates
Never Search Alone community volunteer, Katrina Glover – who is happily employed and volunteering to help all those who are looking – is the product manager for the tools and templates.
She’s continuously adding more examples, and even new tools (after testing demonstrates their value).
Action: Download the current set of free tools – and get in touch with Katrina if you want to share examples of how you are using them (or to suggest a new tool).
Steps You Can Take to Support this Global Community
- Volunteer?
If you are NOT looking, but want to help, then reply to this email. We have a growing volunteer team that is building this “community with a heart” that is a home for all those laid off, let go or looking.
- Join a JSC?
You can sign-up to join a Job Search Council for “Slow Seekers” (people in jobs but looking), “Fast Seekers” (people out of work and looking). or college students looking for their first roles. This whole process is free and volunteer-supported.
- Attend the next Open House on Fri, Oct 28 at 4pm ET?
(Hint: if you are working full-time and don’t want LinkedIn to notify your network that you are attending, then do this first).
- Questions you want answered?
What are you struggling with in your search or what challenges are you facing in your search? Reply to this email with your questions and we’ll work to address them in this Friday’s Open House.
The book
– Great news: Never Search Alone continues to be #1 in key categories on Amazon *and* the hardcover is finally available for Prime next day delivery.
The Open Houses on LinkedIn Live
- As noted above, the next one is Fri, Oct 28
- Previous Open Houses:
- Fri, Oct 14 (basics of Job Search Councils; ADHD and Never Search Alone)
- Fri, Sep 30 (verbal offer withdrawn; and more topics etc.)
- Fri, Sep 16 (Women joining Boards; Candidate-Market Fit, multiple stories and guests)
- Tue, Sep 13 (Launch Party with 9 job seekers sharing stories – CEOs, VPs, ICs, etc.)
Book Parties
We’ve had two wonderful book parties: Manhattan and Boston.
Big thanks to my two hosts – Allison Mnookin and Brent Tworetzky – and all the wonderful guests.
If you want to host a book party at your home, if you provide your home (or office), the food and drink (and it doesn’t have to be much), and invite a group of 30, 50 or more, then I’ll travel to you.
Note: I know lots of people all over the country, so I can add names to your invite list.
If you want to explore this, reply to this newsletter and we’ll talk.
Job Search Council Orientation?
– Job Search Council Orientation
Thu, Nov 3 (and bi-weekly after that)
7pm ET
This is for everyone who has signed up to join a Job Search Council or is thinking of doing so.
– SaaS Scaled
Planned for early November.
– Never Search Alone and Find the Job You Love
LinkedIn Product Management Learning Series (hosted by LinkedIn)
November 18, 2022
12pm ET
Sign-up: https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:6977411723313958912/
– Future of Retail (recorded and available)
Phyl Terry revolutionizes the executive job search with his new book “Never Search Alone”
– Local Maximum (recorded and available)
Phyl Terry: Never Search Alone
Note: if you are a podcaster, or know a podcaster – then I’d be happy to be on your show to help spread the word.
Tools of the Never Search Alone community
- Free job search council placement and support
Volunteers are now donating time to help place job seekers in Job Search Councils. They are also helping to train the job seekers who volunteer to moderate each JSC.
- Free tools and templates
We have free tools and templates vetted and used by many job seekers and volunteers donating time and expertise to constantly update and expand this library.
- LinkedIn support group
We have started a support group on LinkedIn for all job seekers. Volunteers are helping to welcome new members, moderate the community, and promote participation.
- Bi-weekly open houses
We are running bi-weekly open houses to support job seekers and build community and support. Volunteers are helping to program and promote these sessions.
- Monitoring layoffs and reaching out to companies/people
Volunteers are reaching out to companies and individuals who have been laid off — offering our *free* resources and community to help them.
Do you (or someone you know) need help?
Please join this community with a heart that we are building to support people just like you.
And, separately, if you want to help, then reach out.
Together let’s help the millions of job seekers who today (and tomorrow) will need our support to never search alone.