Oct 26, 2022
Hey Everyone,
What is Candidate-Market Fit (CMF)?
Join the Never Search Alone global community this Fri, Oct 28 at 4pm NYC time via LinkedIn Live to find out.
This week at our Open House we will focus on what CMF is and how to figure out yours (whether for a promotion or new job).
We’ll hear live from job seekers working on their Candidate-Market Fit.
One will share a recent exchange with a venture capital firm, which clarified for him why Candidate-Market Fit can be such a powerful tool in helping to find a good job (or internal promotion).
We’ll also hear from several others including a member who just landed a great job (after gaining clarity on her Candidate-Market Fit) – and another who got a much-needed pre-interview boost from her Job Search Council.
So, if either:
– You are looking for a job (or internal promotion)
– Or, you are happily employed but want to help build this community by telling a friend…
….then please join us (or spread the word).
This is a volunteer-driven movement to build a heart and home for anyone laid-off, let go (or otherwise looking).
Bring your hearts and minds and register to join us at 4pm ET this Fri, Oct 28!
P.S. Please also consider posting on LinkedIn to your networks – even if you are happily employed (you could say “I’m happily employed but to any and all who are looking, I recommend…).
P.P.S. Previous Open Houses:
- Fri, Oct 14 (basics of Job Search Councils; ADHD and Never Search Alone)
- Fri, Sep 30 (verbal offer withdrawn; power of JSCs; Q&A)
- Fri, Sep 16 (Women joining Boards; Candidate-Market Fit, multiple stories and guests)
- Tue, Sep 13 (Launch Party with 9 job seekers sharing stories – CEOs, VPs, ICs, etc.)