Never Search Alone – 1,000 people last Friday, Holiday Open House this Friday

Nov 21, 2022

Hey Everyone,

Hearty (U.S.) holiday week hello to the Never Search Alone community.

Big numbers: We have *65* Job Search Councils running and 20 more being formed now.  


Spread the word to more people – this volunteer-driven community can help them find a job they love.

And join us for a holiday open house this Fri, Nov 25 at 4pm ET (note: this is Thanksgiving week in the U.S.). Register via Zoom — come with your questions and stories, or just to be cheered up during the holiday lull.

Meanwhile, we had 1,000 people turn out for the LinkedIn Live PM series focused on Never Search Alone last Friday. Linkedin Product manager and host Shyvee Shi did an amazing job moderating while JSC alum Priya Mathew Badger was terrific.


And, most importantly, whatever you do – remember, never search alone.



P.S. Join our Never Search Alone group on LinkedIn 

P.P.S. There are more highlights below.

Click to watch this recording

Job Seeker Open Houses

The Open Houses have been joyful, which is not something normally experienced in the job search.

You should definitely sign-up for the next one: this Fri, Nov 25 at 4pm ET. 

  • Watch previous Open Houses:
    • Fri, Nov 18 (LinkedIn Live PM Series focused on Never Search Alone)
    • Fri, Nov 11 (Passcode: v4S!pBE9; Two job seekers who just landed jobs talk about their whole process)
    • Fri, Oct 28 (Candidate-Market Fit, Job Search Councils, trust in the process)
    • Fri, Oct 14 (basics of Job Search Councils; ADHD and Never Search Alone)
    • Fri, Sep 30 (verbal offer withdrawn; and more topics etc.)
    • Fri, Sep 16 (Women joining Boards; Candidate-Market Fit, multiple stories and guests)
    • Tue, Sep 13 (Launch Party with 9 job seekers sharing stories – CEOs, VPs, ICs, etc.)


– SaaS Scaled
Planned for early November.

– Never Search Alone and Find the Job You Love
LinkedIn Product Management Learning Series (hosted by LinkedIn)
November 18, 2022
12pm ET

– Future of Retail (recorded and available)
Phyl Terry revolutionizes the executive job search with his new book “Never Search Alone”

– Local Maximum (recorded and available)
Phyl Terry: Never Search Alone

Note: if you are a podcaster, or know a podcaster – then I’d be happy to be on your show to help spread the word.

About the Author

Phyl Terry

Phyl Terry, Founder and CEO of Collaborative Gain, Inc., launched the company’s flagship leadership program – The Councils – in 2002 with a fellow group of Internet pioneers from Amazon, Google, and others. Thousands of leaders from the Internet world have come together in the last 15 years to learn the art of asking for help and to support each other to build better, more customer-centric products, services, and companies.

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