Tuesday Morning Inspiration

April 5, 2022

My mission in life is simple: spread kindness and beauty.

Kindness means respect and decency, the pursuit of understanding, not judging, and, importantly, the way asking for help shows vulnerability and openness.

Beauty means a sublime sense of connectedness, a love for humanity, and an appreciation for creativity in all of its form – including the creative act of learning how to really *see.*

With that in mind, I thought I would share a simple but inspiring RFH (request-for-help) that came to me from Kyiv last week.

This RFH was about Slow Art Day – the global art event that I began in 2010 that teaches people how to slow down and really look at and love art. 

I am Hanna Rudyk, Deputy Director of Education and Communication at the Khanenko Museum in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The Khanenko Museum (officially: the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Nationam Museum of Arts), which holds the largest Ukrainian collection of art from around the world, has been a Slow Art Day host for the last three years.

This year we were also planning to host the event in our museum. 

But Russia’s war against Ukraine prevented us from going forward with these plans. 

So, we decided instead to switch our Slow Art Day to an online event focused on one artwork. We will show a very rarely exhibited piece of Chinese art and ask our followers to contemplate upon it and share ideas. In the afternoon, we will give time for our curator to add some comments.

I wonder, if our plans could be somehow reflected on the Slow Art Day Official website. We are truly committed to the ideas underlying Slow Art Day and we urgently need now to be more visible and supported.

Wow. Wow. Wow. 

This email really made my Slow Art Day.



P.S. As mentioned above, next Monday, April 11 marks the first time CG will meet in person since the fall of 2019. Get ready to ask for (and give) help.

Mickey's Harvest

About the Author

Phyl Terry

Phyl Terry, Founder and CEO of Collaborative Gain, Inc., launched the company’s flagship leadership program – The Councils – in 2002 with a fellow group of Internet pioneers from Amazon, Google, and others. Thousands of leaders from the Internet world have come together in the last 15 years to learn the art of asking for help and to support each other to build better, more customer-centric products, services, and companies.

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